30 Minute Combination Therapy
A therapeutic approach that combines different modalities or types of therapy within a 30-minute session
Experience the perfect blend of targeted rejuvenation with our exclusive 30-Minute Combination Therapy at Recovery Day. This condensed yet potent session is meticulously crafted to deliver a quick and effective wellness boost, catering to your specific needs.
Condensed and Transformative
Our skilled therapists seamlessly integrate various therapeutic techniques into this half-hour session, ensuring a focused approach to address key areas of concern. Whether you’re seeking relief from muscle tension, enhanced flexibility, or a moment of profound relaxation, our 30-Minute Combination Therapy is designed to deliver swift and impactful results.
From myofascial release to dynamic stretching and percussion therapy, each minute is optimized to contribute to your overall well-being. This session is ideal for those on a tight schedule or anyone looking for a revitalizing pick-me-up during the day.
Prioritize your wellness with Recovery Day’s 30-Minute Combination Therapy – a condensed yet transformative experience tailored to meet your specific needs and leave you feeling refreshed, reenergized, and ready to conquer the day.
Feel Your Best, Perform Your Best.
Members enjoy exclusive benefits and access, including 15% off the price of individual sessions. Billed monthly.