What’s New

Theraupeutic Exercises

When we said that athletic trainers were multi-faceted, we meant it. ATCs are fortunate to be trained by some of the best healthcare providers in the business, from chiropractors to massage therapists, and yes, even physical therapists. While we would never step into the realm of a DPT, we are able to create small, customized…

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Wellness Wednesday: Shin Splints

“Shin splints” – you know about it, you’ve probably had them, and you likely do absolutely nothing about them until they are absolutely excruciating. Shin splits are a common exercise issue, often referring to pain that is felt on the inside of the tibia (shinbone). This area becomes inflamed in all components of the lower…

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Wellness Wednesday: Inflamation

What is inflammation: Inflammation is a part of the body’s healing process. It aids in fighting off infections, musculoskeletal injuries, and different toxins, all to heal itself. However, the process of inflammation can often backfire if the body does not send all of the correct signals to push the inflammation away from the area once…

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Wellness Wednesday – Stretching

Stretching is one of the most overlooked parts of exercising. Most people often find some reason not to stretch: not having enough time, not knowing what stretches to do, or even feeling like it does not help. Stretching can be one of the simplest forms of preventative medicine. A lot of common chronic musculoskeletal injuries…

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As athletic trainers, there is a phrase that we use with every athlete that we see with some sort of tightness or soreness “stretch and roll out.” Most of our patients assume this is said to waste time; however, rolling out is critical to recovery. Rolling works by applying constant pressure over the length of…

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Owner Spotlight – Joel

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a question that many of us hear throughout our entire adolescence. As I grew and developed, my idea of what I would “be” grew and changed with me. I started like most young kids wanting to be some sort of professional athlete, then…

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Why Is Hydration Important?

Hydration is one of those topics that everyone hears all of the time, knows how important it is, and then still proceeds to not drink enough water. In reality, men need that 3.7 liters of water is enough for men a day and 2.7 liters of fluid is enough for women. A normal person is…

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Recovery Day Client Spotlight – Keanu

Keanu is a long-standing athlete, starting from high school onward. He competitively threw both discus and shotput at the collegiate level and since then, has focused himself on maintaining his level of fitness. Keanu has been involved with competitive bodybuilding for the past several years, even assisting other competitors as they prepare for a show through…

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