Foam Rolling

If you have ever walked into an athletic training room and complained about tightness, you can bet that the first thing the ATC said to you was to grab a foam roller.

I cannot tell you how many times an athlete would walk into my office complaining and I would ask if they have been doing the “little things” to keep themselves healthy, i.e. foam rolling. There is rarely a time that stretching will inhibit recovery and one of the quickest and most productive ways to elongate those muscles is by foam rolling.

There are numerous benefits to foam rolling. Of course, it promotes relaxation because your body is finally working out those knots that you’ve been holding for far too long. On top of this though, it alleviates soreness, reduces inflammation, and aids in the overall muscle recovery process. My personal favorite benefit? Injury prevention by remedying that tightness that you feel day in and day out. The increase in blood flow that the body experiences when tension is relieved and muscle length is able to return to its truest form is reason enough to push your body through this process.

At Recovery Day, you are likely to see two or three options for foam rolling. We offer the textured foam roller (bumpy) that is made to dig into those muscular to relieve tension quickly. We use these on ourselves but also on our clients, especially those who may be sensitive to manual release. For other options, we offer the tried-and-true low-density roller for those of you who may be timid to foam rolling. And finally, we offer the Hypersphere, a massage ball that vibrates all of your worries away for quick release. Come check them out at your next appointment!

Recovery Day, where everyone is an athlete.




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