Hamstring Strain

The hamstring is located on the back of the thigh.

Hamstring strains occur when the hamstring muscle is tight due to poor or lack of stretching and overuse of the muscle. This injury also occurs due to a lot of running, jumping, and sudden stops. If you don’t warm up properly before exercising then it is likely that you can strain your hamstring. Tight quadriceps, having to pull on your pelvis forward can cause tightening of the hamstrings. Having weak glutes can cause a hamstring strain as well because your glutes and hamstrings work together, if your glutes are weak then it could cause your hamstrings to work harder and become strained. A hamstring strain is also known as a pulled muscle. Icing, heat, and rest are common treatments for a hamstring strain as well as light stretching to prevent more injury. Compressing the muscle can also help heal it and control swelling. Stretches that can help prevent this injury are hamstring curls, hamstring heel digs, hamstring wall stretch, hip extensions, calf stretch placing the foot on the wall and heel on the floor, and single-leg balance exercises. If the injury still occurs then further treatment can be done such as an ultrasound.

The most common athletes that have this type of injury are skaters, runners, football players, soccer players, basketball players, etc. Signs and symptoms of hamstring strains are a pain in the hamstring when you flex or extend your leg, weakness in the leg, swelling, tenderness, and possibly bruising. Bruising mainly occurs when the strain has got worse and is about to become a tear. To recover from a hamstring strain it could take days, weeks, even months depending on the severity of the strain. Hamstring strains are very common.

Are you in need of therapy for a hamstring strain or injury? Contact Recovery Day today!

Recovery Day, where everyone is an athlete.


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