
According to Webster Dictionary, the definition of hydration is “the introduction of additional fluid into the body.”

Water is one of the most important nutrients you can put into your body. Proper hydration is as important as proper food choices for athletes. As an athlete, you want to make sure you are drinking early and often. It is important that you start hydrating hours before, during, and after exercise. No matter how much fuel is in your body, if you aren’t hydrated, you won’t be able to perform to the best of your ability. The minimum fluid loss can affect the physical and mental performance of one who exercises without proper hydration.

It is proven that it takes 1-2% body weight loss to hinder one’s performance. So how do you know if you are hydrated or not? If you really want to find out, weigh yourself before and after exercise. You want to drink 2 cups of fluid for every 1 pound that you lose during exercise. When exercising, the weight that you lose is not fat loss, but rather fluid loss.

What are ways to prevent dehydration? In order to help prevent dehydration, you want to start drinking early. During exercise, when you are thirsty, you want to sip water and not chug it to avoid aggravation to the stomach. When planning on exercising for one hour or less, water is the best hydration method. If you are planning on exercising more than one hour, a sports drink with carbs and electrolytes will keep you energized, and is the most appropriate. As the temperature continues to rise, that will change your hydration status. After exercise, an athlete may also eat for hydration and at 90% water, fruits and vegetables can help you stay hydrated. Ultimately the most important thing to prevent dehydration is to know your body. You know how much fluid you put in it and how much gets taken out. Therefore, you need to be cautious about how much you exercise and how long you exercise.

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