
As athletic trainers, there is a phrase that we use with every athlete that we see with some sort of tightness or soreness “stretch and roll out.”

Most of our patients assume this is said to waste time; however, rolling out is critical to recovery. Rolling works by applying constant pressure over the length of a muscle or tendon. This constant pressure can break up scar tissue and adhesions within the fascia of the muscles.

Benefits of Rolling out:

  • Increase circulation
  • Increases mobility
  • Reduces soreness
  • Improves flexibility
  • Reduces risk of muscular injury

Rolling out can help with a multitude of injuries. Foam rollers can help with relieving back pain, hamstring tightness and can be used on the quadricep muscles to aid with patella tendinitis relief. A variety of balls can be used for helping get out knots in the shoulder, trigger point releases of the hip flexor. For those who may suffer from plantar fasciitis, golf balls can be used to alleviate some of the pain and inflammation felt. The technology for foam rollers and massage balls has now changed; however, now these self-massage tools vibrate, allowing a person to achieve even more significant benefits.

Hyperice has been kind enough to let Recovery Day demo a few of their products so make sure you let us know what you like and don’t like, we may just add them to our services!

“Recovery Day, Where Everyone Is An Athlete”



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