Owner Spotlight – Joel

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This is a question that many of us hear throughout our entire adolescence.

As I grew and developed, my idea of what I would “be” grew and changed with me. I started like most young kids wanting to be some sort of professional athlete, then I didn’t grow so tall, and that dream passed. I then thought I wanted to be an engineer until math classes got harder than what I enjoyed, so that was not the path for me either. Finally, I decided to take a sports medicine class in high school, enjoyed learning about the body and different injuries that occur in and outside of athletics. During that time, I had a conversation with my teacher; she asked me if I had ever considered becoming an athletic trainer. I told her that I had no idea how to get a career like this. She told me to start with being a student aid and to see if I liked it. From there, I’ve been fortunate enough to know what I wanted to do ever since.

That decision to take a sports medicine class led to me graduating from the University of South Carolina with a degree in athletic training. Now I want Recovery Day to help people go through life feeling their best so that they can continue to perform at their best.

“Recovery Day, Where Everyone Is An Athlete”



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