Recovery Day Therapy Services for Crash Crescendo

Recovery Day is proud to detail the fact that we will be a part of Crossfit Crescendo this weekend at Crash Fitness, May 15th and 16th.

There are multiple teams involved in this process, including 4-person same sex teams, advanced, novice, intermediate, and masters 40+. A weekend of jam-packed physical fitness that pushes the competitors to their limits is in store for each participant and Recovery Day plans to be there to provide as much recovery as possible!

While we do not plan to bring everything with us from our home Recovery Day location, we are going to be able to provide a vast majority of our services to competitors.

Recovery Day Therapy Services we plan to offer:

  • Cupping
  • IAMT
  • Myofascial Release
  • Stretching
  • E-stim
  • Heat
  • Ice
  • Massage Gun
  • Normatec Boots

Stay tuned this week as we’re also planning to offer a few giveaways for our Crossfit Customers!

Feel free to come out this weekend to Crash and take part in all of the fun!

“Recovery Day, Where Everyone Is An Athlete”