What’s New

Journey To Healing

All too often we get the same few questions at Recovery Day. People will tell us how good they feel and then immediately after they will ask how often they should get treatment. In an ideal world, we would see all of our clients twice a week (hint hint: why we created memberships-you save money!).…

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Wellness Wednesday – Pivotal Therapy Occipivot

The Occipivot is a soft tissue tool that uses your body’s pressure to release tight upper neck muscles, specifically the occipital musculature. Using the technique of direct pressure to release and relax tight muscles it works very similar to that of a foam roller. Its one-of-a-kind shape allows the neck and head to be cradled…

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Steadman’s Recommendations

Steadman is a long-time athlete, dating back to high school when he won almost all the high school weight-lifting contests that he competed in. Steadman then decided that he was going to share his knowledge with anyone he could, opening his own gym just a few years ago! Recovery Day, where everyone is an athlete.…

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Wellness Wednesday – Cool Down

Today’s Wellness Wednesday is about cooling down following a workout. The cool down is a stretch or exercise that you do after your workout or even a hard day at work. A cool down could be anything from a light jog to a small stretching routine. The purpose of a cool down is to get…

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Wellness Wednesday: Proper Warm-Ups

When getting ready for any sporting event or activity that involves the body, one of the most common things to do is to put your body through a “warmup.” A warmup is any physical exertion done before putting stress on a particular muscle or muscle group within the human body. Warmups are extremely important because…

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According to Webster Dictionary, the definition of hydration is “the introduction of additional fluid into the body.” Water is one of the most important nutrients you can put into your body. Proper hydration is as important as proper food choices for athletes. As an athlete, you want to make sure you are drinking early and…

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Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)

The hip is a ball and socket joint which means it is one of the most mobile joints in your body. Sometimes, either caused by genetic or athletic factors, you can get boney overgrowths on the head of your femur or around the socket of your hip. Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) often has an insidious onset…

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Dry Needling

Dry needling is a treatment that’s performed by skilled allied health care professionals who are certified in the procedure. In this process, a thin monofilament needle penetrates the skin and treats the underlying muscular trigger points that may be causing issues within the body. The treatment itself is most often designed to ease muscular pain,…

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Scar Tissue

Scar tissue is a collection of cells and collagen which covers the site of the injury. When an injury occurs, collagen begins to form around it which leads to scar tissue.  Scar formation is a normal response following any injury or surgery. This is a natural way the body heals itself. There are a variety…

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Meet Kellen!

Only in 5th grade and practically NBA-ready, Kellen has started seeing us about 6 months ago! We’re mostly seeing him for his patella tendinitis and working with him on loosening all of his muscles as he continues to grow and get stronger 💪🏼 He plays sports year round and was already starting to hurt but…

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